Partnership & Grantee Highlights

Rural Vermont

We are stronger and more vibrant when we live and work in solidarity with one another

One Hive

One Hive Foundation funding is supporting Rural Vermont’s education and advocacy efforts related to reducing the impacts of pesticides in Vermont’s agricultural sector. 

For 35 years, Rural Vermont has worked to improve equity in the food and agriculture systems while reducing corporate influence and consolidation that creates disparity. Rural Vermont advocated for bills that expand markets for poultry farmers, reduce exposure to neonicotinoid pesticides (with the Protect Our Pollinators Coalition), improve conditions for outdoor cannabis growers (with the VT Cannabis Equity Coalition), and clarify advocacy groups’ ability to file amicus briefs in land use cases, such as Act 250 permits.

Rural Vermont also co-hosted their largest group in recent memory at the Vermont State House for a full and exciting day of advocacy training and testifying.

One Hive

One Hive