Funding Opportunities


In 2022, One Hive Foundation launched its grantmaking, providing grants to organizations in Vermont and beyond. To learn about additional projects that align with One Hive Foundation’s mission, values, and funding focus, we are issuing this two-phase request for proposals.

Our Philosophy

We recognize the enormous amount of time researchers and nonprofits spend seeking funds and reporting on grants. One Hive Foundation has a streamlined application and reporting process so that experts in the field can spend more time doing the work of our shared missions (and what really matters!).

How we work:

Streamline the paperwork: We use a two-phase proposal process to simplify and streamline the application process. In lieu of arduous grant reporting, we encourage opportunities for real-time dialogue and mutual learning.

Your time is worth it: We provide a stipend to write and submit proposals to the nonprofits invited to submit a full proposal for the Foundation’s review.

Multi-year funding and general operating support: We accept and encourage requests for multi-year funding which provides more sustainable support. We also accept proposals for general operating support, which allows for flexibility for grantees to pursue their work

One Hive will accept requests that align with our Mission, Vision, and Values and one or more of our focus areas.

  • Scientific research focused on the threats to native and managed pollinators and efforts to improve pollinator health.
  • Public education and advocacy focused on pollinator awareness, food security, water quality, and pesticide use reduction.
  • Projects that seek to translate scientific research for the general public understanding (including through independent journalism).
  • Initiatives that seek to link scientific research and public policy.
  • General operating support to build capacity of advocacy or membership organizations related to pollinator health and/or beekeeping.
  • Programs to nurture a diverse collaborative, and well-networked next generation of farmers (including beekeepers), scientists, and advocates.
  • Projects that examine agricultural impacts to public health (including but not limited to pesticide exposure, disease vectors, nutrition, and ecojustice).
  • Projects that partner with businesses to improve pollinator conservation practices across supply chains, facilities, and consumer education.

One Hive Foundation will not run a full RFP process in 2024.

Check back in early 2025 for additional information.

Sign up for our email list to stay updated on future funding opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, the One Hive Foundation works closely with Hemenway & Barnes LLP for philanthropic advisory and grantmaking services. Gioia Perugini serves as the Foundation’s primary advisor on grantmaking and is available to answer questions that cannot be resolved through these guidelines or FAQs.


The One Hive Foundation has a primary geographic focus in Vermont, followed by the northeast, but will also consider requests for work in other states across the US as well as Canada that support the Foundation’s focus areas as noted above.

Verified 501c3 public charities, including research institutions, universities, or other nonprofit organizations in the US and Canada. Independent researchers affiliated with a 501c3 or projects with a public charity fiscal sponsor are also eligible to apply. Individuals, government entities and private foundations are not eligible to apply.

The One Hive Foundation will consider requests of up to $75,000 per year and anticipates making grants at a variety of dollar amounts, including small grants. Applicants should calibrate their request based on budget size of the project or organization, expenses needed to carry out the program, availability of other private or public funds, and/or ability to help meet budgetary needs so staff can focus on program delivery.

The One Hive Foundation is currently developing its Stipend Policy and Rates, which will be provided to organizations with the invitation to submit a full proposal.

Phase I applications involve filling out an online form in the One Hive Foundation’s Grant Portal with the organization’s contact and demographic information and a short summary of the organization or proposed project. If invited to submit a full proposal, applicants will submit a longer narrative, detailed budget, and organizational financial information (audit or 990, budget, etc.).

Grants are paid at the time of the award. If the award is a multi-year grant it will typically be paid in annual installments. 

Proposals are reviewed by the One Hive Foundation’s Advisory Council. Refer to the Request For Proposals for review criteria.

Applicants can choose how they report to the One Hive Foundation – in writing, by phone, or another means identified by the applicant. This is meant to reduce the burden of a custom report format on the applicant.

Apply Now

The online application portal is closed.