Partnership & Grantee Highlights

Audubon Vermont

Supporting the birds and bees on farms

One Hive

Photo Credit: Lynn Cleveland, Audubon Photography Awards

Through the Bird and Bee Friendly Farming Project, Audubon Vermont is working in collaboration with the University of Vermont’s (UVM) Gund Institute for the Environment and Extension, the Intervale Center, Northeast Organic Farming Association-Vermont (NOFA-VT) and other organizations to develop, demonstrate, and promote conservation practices on farms that increase the abundance and diversity of native pollinator and bird species, which in turn provide important on-farm services, such as crop pollination and pest control.

These practices increase biodiversity, enhance the resilience of farmland to climate change, and reduce dependence on harmful pesticides and herbicides, while simultaneously maintaining economic viability of farm operations. 

Read their brochure – “Bird and Bee Friendly Farming

One Hive

Photo Credit: Audubon Vermont

One Hive

Photo Credit: Audubon Vermont

These practices increase biodiversity, enhance the resilience of farmland to climate change, and reduce dependence on harmful pesticides and herbicides, while simultaneously maintaining economic viability of farm operations. 

Read their brochure – “Bird and Bee Friendly Farming