Meet Our Team

Curtis Mraz
Curtis is a fourth-generation beekeeper and farmer. He manages Champlain Valley Apiaries, his family’s 90+ year-old honey and beekeeping business situated in Middlebury, Vermont.
Curtis holds a degree in Biology and Environmental Policy from the University of Puget Sound where he researched shortcomings in our U.S. agricultural education system. He is passionate about inspiring grassroots action and change, especially within our food system. Curtis has organized with the National Young Farmers Coalition (NYFC), and Northeast Organic Farming Association (NOFA), and facilitated a BIPOC beekeeper training program in Western MA.
Curtis is familiar with the slew of obstacles faced by young farmers and beekeepers across the country and is determined to advocate on their behalf. When he doesn’t have his head in a beehive, Curtis is in the garden, with his family, or on a long hike.
Curtis’ role on the Advisory Council is to advocate for and communicate with key groups representing the next generation of young farmers and beekeepers. He also serves to identify, network with, and prioritize groups and initiatives led by historically marginalized groups; i.e. BIPOC or LGBTQ-run organizations.